Blippi Wonders is the animated show produced by Moonbug Entertainment, which brings to life in CG the adventures of the super-active and curious character Blippi, starring the homonymous preschool live action.
The Rainbow CGI Team carried out all the production phases of the CG cartoon: from design to asset build, from animation to lighting and final compositing.
Blippi Wonders launched on 29 September on YouTube, with a new three-minute episode airing each Tuesday. This new format immediately recorded a great success among the little fans of the live action serial.
Blippi is an online live-action, educational show for children 2-6 years old and in few years it has become one of the world’s most popular preschool entertainers, with over 30 million followers on YouTube and more than one billion views per month.
Blippi content is available in different languages and on a range of streaming platforms, such as: HBO Max LatAm, Spacetoons, Hulu, Amazon Kids Plus, Peacock, Virgin Media, Roku, FutureToday, Kidoodle and Sky Kids.