“Mermaid Magic” is the new full CG animation series created by Iginio Straffi and produced by Rainbow Group – it debuted worldwide on Netflix last 22nd August 2024, immediately climbing up to the number one spot in the Kids Tv Series category.
The series tells the adventures of brave princess Merlinda and her friends Sasha and Nerissa, who join their forces to rescue the magic underwater kingdom of Metropia from the threat posed by evil pirate Barbarossa.
While fighting all sorts of enemies in thrilling action scenes, the characters are put face to face with contemporary issues such as the protection of the environment and the safeguard of the oceans, in a narration characterized by the renowned “magic” of Rainbow productions, which keeps bewitching both kids and adults.
Rainbow CGI studio took care of the most of the production: from asset build to fx, from lighting to compositing. Each stage of the production was delivered with extraordinary precision and the talent of our Team made the underwater world look breathtaking and eye-popping and the characters feel vibrant, elevating the
visual quality of the series and significantly contributing to its global impact.
A worldwide success that has seen Mermaid Magic become the most streamed tv series in the Kids category in more than 50 countries, among which Great Britain, France, Germany, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil, Singapore, South Africa and Turkey.